Monday, June 13, 2011

This was such a fun field trip! We were pretty much going back several centuries to the time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I'm grinding hyssop right now. We later made bread and added this hyssop to olive oil and made a spread for the bread. It's what the shepherds ate.

Me holding a cute lamb. The girl to the right with the sunglasses and blue shirt is Erica and she's awesome!

This is where Mary died. There is a beautiful Christian church right above this.

Me at the garden tomb. A wonderful experience:) I can't believe I was there!

This hill is Golgotha. Where Christ was crucified. We came on a Sabbath and in sacrament we sang "There is a green hill far away" well, we were really close!

This is inside Christ's tomb on the door. The tomb is really small. There's just one spot inside for someone. 

This is Hezekiah's Tunnel! We went here today. it's in the City of David. It's a tunnel that was built to bring the water from the Gehon spring (outside the city wall) to the city. So I was wading in water. It pumps about 100,000 gallons of water a day!

So my claustrophobia wasn't doing too well. I was nervous before we left and I flipped open my Book of Mormon and read a line that said "And Coriantumer marched forth" It was perfect. So I just kept thinking march forth and sang Lead Kindly Light about 50 times and prayed a lot. I did great! I wasn't too nervous which is amazing because as you can see I was in a really really small space! I had to crutch down frequently and had about 6 inches on each side of me. It took about 25 minutes to get through all of it. I went first in my group and just booked it through. I didn't stay with them. I was brave:) haha

1 comment:

  1. AHH Erica! you're so beautiful! Im so happy you keep putting pictures up. You'll be so happy you did! How amazing that you got to go to Galgotha and the Garden Tomb! My gosh... I can't wait to talk toy ou again! I LOVE YOU!
